José Ramón Valente V.
During the last three decades he has been a permanent actor in Chile in the fields of public policy, macroeconomics and financial markets. He was Minister of Economy, Development and Tourism, where he led the creation of new institutions and sent many projects of law to Congress, focused on increasing investment and productivity in Chile. He has also been adviser to previous governments in capital market reforms. Among them he participated in the design and implementation of the multi-fund system currently used by AFPs.
Previously he was a member of the board of Chilean and international companies, among them, Cementos Bio Bio S.A., Transelec S.A., Soprole S.A., Prolesur, Telefónica Chile S.A., Banmedica S.A., Banmedica Isapre, Penta Compañia de Seguros de Vida, Inmobiliaria Manquehue, Viña Undurraga and multinational Brookfield Property Partners (Listed at the NY and Toronto Stock Exchanges). He was also a member of the board of the Alter Ego Foundation, Universidad del Desarrollo, and of the System of Public Companies (SEP)
He is currently the president of Econsult, columnist for the La Tercera newspaper and a panelist for Radio Duna.
Educación y certificaciones
José Ramón is an Economist from the Universidad de Chile and has an MBA from the University of Chicago.