Profitability Analysis of the Operators
Industria Archives
Profitability Analysis of the Operators
Macroeconomic Analysis
Grupo Empresas Navieras
Recommendation of an Exchange Rate Coverage Policy
Puerto San Antonio
Financial Consultancy
Terminales Marítimos de la Patagonia
Economic Adviser in the Notification before the FNE in the Acquisition for Control of TMP by the CMB-LV Infraestructura III Investment Fund
Puerto Antofogasta
Economic Report Presented before the TDLC, in the Context of Case NC-480-2020, Report Request from the EPA on the Concession Bid of Frente de Atraque Nº1
Puerto Valparaíso
Economic Report Presented to the TDLC, in the Context of Case NC-470-2020, Request by the EPV on Modification of Reports N° 5/2009 and 8/2012 of the TDLC